Sunday, March 17, 2013

U.C. Top 5: The Top 5 Shotguns In Video Games

 "This... is my BOOMSTICK!!" - Bruce Campbell

And with that brief introduction, from the Master of Awesomeness himself, i welcome you to "Unplugged Controllers Top 5 Shotguns In Video Games".
Dating all the way back to "HOLY SH*T THAT'S A LONG TIME AGO!" where they made their first appearance, Shotguns have earned a special place in the hearts of gamers everywhere; Loud, Powerful and Deadly at close range, the Boomstick has always been a reliable weapon, able to take down the toughest of Demons/Robots/Aliens/Terrorists/Mutants/Tom Hanks in one shot.

And today we are honoring them, by counting down the Top 5 Shotguns in Video Games, but, as usual, lets go over the rules before diving into the list:
  • Only one Shotgun per Franchise.
...huh, that was a short list. So, with that out of the way, load some shells, pump your gun (oh God... that sounded wrong) and sit back, here are our Top five: 
Number 5: The Model 1887 from Call Of Duty.

Because True Awesomeness is Lever-Action.

The Winchester Model 1887, or Winchester "HOW THE F*CK DID HE KILL ME FROM THAT FAR AWAY!?" 1887 for Call of Duty fans, is a big part of gun history, being the first truly successful repeating Shotgun. In-game it is a high accuracy (for a Shotgun) high damage (for a Anything) weapon, with a slow fire rate to compensate for its sheer power, it was a favorite of the players back in Modern Warfare 2.

But that's not the real reason why it is on the list, is it? No, the real reason is THIS GUY:

I'll be back... in a higher spot than #5.

When you are talking about the weapon of choice for the T-800 himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger, one of the biggest Badasses in cinema history, you know you are dealing with a freaking Awesome weapon (Here's a fun game for the family, guess how many times i use the word "Awesome" in the entire article!). So, because of it's sheer Awesome-factor, the Model 1887 earns the fifth spot on the list.

Number 4: The M90 Close Assault Weapon System from Halo.

"Doctor Sarge says take two barrels of this shotgun and call me when you're dead. Ring ring, hello? Is it you? Yep! You're dead." -Sarge from Red Vs. Blue

Oh Thor, not this one... ok, lets get this out of the way, I freaking hate this thing! don't take me wrong, it is a great weapon, and it IS Awesome, but dear Odin is it painful to see one of these in the battlefield when you are new to Halo; This weapon created one of the most notorious One-Two-Punches in Video Game history, a quick shot followed by a melee attack was enough to finish off most enemies in multiplayer and send them into a void of rage and hate that could not be escaped.

So, for being a versatile, powerful and intimidating weapon (Which is quite a compliment when you consider this is a game that features a shoulder-mounted laser cannon) that required quite some skill to use and even more to master, and shooting shells that might as well read "Rage Quit" on the side, the M90 takes the fourth spot on the list.

Number 3: The Spread Gun from Contra & The Shotgun from Sunset Riders.

Red tomatoes and Pink lemons... the 90's were weird.

Back in the time of the side-scrollers the most powerful enemies were the ones who shot the most bullets, so when shotguns were introduced in run 'n gun games it was a big deal. Suddenly we had the power of mini-bosses at our hands, and we loved it, not only did it make it easier (and, arguably, more enjoyable) to defeat each stage but it also created a challenge, were we would lose that power if we died, if you played well you were greatly rewarded for it, it was the best of the SNES in shotgun form.
Now, i know that technically there is no Shotgun in Contra; you see, for some unknown reason (*Cough* They're Japanese *Cough*) the developers decided that themeant "Spread" and not "Shotgun" (Again... Japanese), still, call it what you may, it IS a Shotgun.
So, with Shotguns so powerful they literally cover 25% of the screen with bullets, both Contra and Sunset Riders shoot their way into the third spot (Holy mother of puns Batman!).

Number 2: The Flak Cannon from Unreal Tournament.

Flak Cannon Gameplay Screenshots: Surprisingly hard to find online.

I don't care what it's name is, you can call it a Flak Cannon, a Shrapnel Gun, a Whoopity-Bouncy Marshmallow Narwhal, ITS A FREAKING SHOTGUN! it shoots multiple small projectiles with a random spread that deal more damage the closer the enemy is... S-H-O-T-G-U-N.

The Flak Cannon (*Cough* Shotgun *Cough*) is a risky weapon that rewards skill, shooting bouncing red-hot metal fragments that pose as much of a treat to you as they do to your enemies; But that's not all, the Flak Cannon (*Cough* Shoooooooootguuuuuuuuun... *Cough*) gets even more Awesome when you use the secondary fire...

"...Wait, you want us to draw what?!" -U.C. Art Department.

Yes, that is a Shotgun firing a Grenade that Shoots another Shotgun when it explodes... Holy Thor, that's Awesome!. The Flak Cannon Blasts away the competition and takes the second spot (BOOM! one more pun to go!).

Number 1: The Shotgun from Doom.

"One Shotgun to rule them all, one Shotgun to find them... One Shotgun to bring them all, and in the Darkness Frag them."
Yes, it's the one, the original, the one that started it all, it's the DOOM Shotgun. What can i say that hasn't been said before? this classic Shotgun taught us that the shortest way to a Demon's heart is a barrage of buckshot.

The Shotgun was powerful, accurate and reliable, being more of a primary weapon than the pistol, it accompanied us to hell and back, this 12-gauge baby fought Zombies, Demons, Robots and John Romero himself, and as such, it will always hold a special place in our hearts.

And so, for setting the rules for all Shotguns to come and proving that no futuristic technology can ever replace a good 'ol Boomstick (Although the B.F.G 9000 comes close); And closing this list the Shotgun from Doom goes out with a Bang! (BOOM BABY! 3-for-3) And rightfully takes it's place as the Number One Shotgun in Video Games.

...And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, the total number of "Awesome"s used in the article is: 8! Congratulations! step up and claim your Awesome prize!.... wait, 9!.

This was Unplugged Controller's Top 5 Shotguns In Video Games, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you next time, when we'll count down the Top 5 *SPOILER ALERT* in Video Games, see you then.