Sunday, May 19, 2013

Video Game Design: The Invisibility Manifesto

Invisibility pictures: unsurprisingly HARD TO FIND.

And with that INCREDIBLE Invisibility joke (First of many more to come)  i welcome you to the second Unplugged Controllers article on Video Game Design, "The Invisibility Manifesto"
Last time, we looked at how Core and Individual Mechanics can shape a game's Identity using the Super Mario and God of War games as an example of this; Today we are taking a deeper look into Gameplay mechanics, mainly focusing on how to add meaningful variety and how this can change the flow of the game. There's a lot to cover, and not a whole lot of time, so let's dive right in.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

An Unplugged Look At: Call Of Duty - Modern Warfare

And that's pretty much the plot of the Modern Warfare series, See you next week! When we'll talk about...


...What do you mean that's not enough for an article? Oh alright, i guess it's not a real Unplugged Controllers article unless you see me suffer and rage all the way through the ASSBLOWINGLY BAD plot of the series, welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare games.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Unplugged Update: April Recap And Thoughts Regarding This Week And The Future

Before going into the Recap, we have a little announcement to make, starting next week, Articles will be uploaded on Saturdays (Hopefully :D) instead of Sundays like usual, this does not include U.C.Comic episodes, those will be uploaded as soon as they are finished and will NOT replace the weekly articles (I'm so going to regret that rule), this also means there is NO article this week, although that's mainly because of my current workload (And DEFINITELY NOT because of Bioshock Infinite).
Now, with that out of the way, let's get into the Recap.

Happy Kill-All-Skeletons Month from everyone at Unplugged Controllers.
April 2013: Kill-All-Skeletons Month:
  • An Unplugged Look At: Assassin's Creed: Starting off this month we traveled through time killing Templars, and discovered an ancient alien civilization who asked us to save the world from the Sun exploding... and i still can't say that with a straight face. 
  • An Unplugged Look At: Minecraft: To finish up the month we travel to the distant land of Minecraft to find some diamonds, kill some creepers, build some Giant Golden Penis Statues and  make up an entire Storyline.
And that's it for the month of April 2013, see you next week, when we'll visit an Old Friend, see you then.
Previously on Unplugged Controllers.