Saturday, March 2, 2013

Unplugged Update: Fried processors, Manly Dota tears, Kevin Bacon and more...

Last night, as i laid in bed i started thinking about the mysteries of life, the universe and stuff, when suddenly an image popped up inside my head... SHARK PILEDRIVER!!:

No caption needed.

And that's the only introduction i need, welcome to the first Unplugged Controllers Site Update! today's topics are:
  • New episodes of U.C.Comic.
  • The Article about competitive gaming.
  • Gaming news, links of interest and stuff.
There's a lot to cover so lets get going:
1) U.C.Comic status and "Why you shouldn't set chickens on fire":

As some of you may have noticed, we haven't published a new episode of U.C.Comic in the last couple of weeks, the reason for this is that our artist Andres "Agon" Gonzales is... umm... unavailable right now.

You see, when we are young we tend to do some things that we might regret later in life... like setting a Chicken on fire and start playing "Disco inferno" while reenacting the last fight from "Revenge of the Sith" (We cant be the only ones), unfortunately, things got out of control and we might have ende up destroying Agon's PC.

So, until he gets a new computer, new episodes of U.C.Comic will be delayed. Now, believe me, here at Unplugged Controllers we have tried everything we could to keep it going, but without our illustrator... well, lets just say not everyone here at U.C is an artist:

...It's just not the same.

So, we apologize for the delay on the new episodes and promise to do everything we can to bring them back as soon as possible.

2) The Article on Competitive gaming and "Why i love MS Paint":

On last week's article "Gaming Moments: "F*CK YOU" Missile"  i said that the next article on the site would be about Multiplayer, Competitive gaming and the disturbing lack of Kevin Bacon in Video Games, but as you probably noticed this wasn't the case, and "An Unplugged Look At: Metal Gear" was released instead, now, the Multiplayer article IS  coming, just not this week. Still, I failed to keep my promise, and for that i owe you an apology, so as my way of saying "I'm sorry", here's a picture of Nicolas Cage, Vladimir Putin and a Dragon fighting on top of a Volcano:

Coming this summer: "From Russia with Dragons"

Because here at Unplugged Controllers we put the "AWESOME!" in "Apology".

3) Gaming news, Links of interest and "No, i didn't include this part JUST so i could use the Na'vi joke":

New "Na' vi" roster:
For those of you that follow the Dota 2 Competitive scene you probably know the name "Na'vi", one of the most famous Dota teams in the world, you also probably know that the Ukrainian team is changing up its roster, letting go of players "Ars-Art" and "LightOfHeaven", replacing them with Team Empire's "Funn1k" and Mousesports' "Kuroky". As of now not a lot has been revealed in terms of Lineups and strategies for Na'Vi, but we think that this will bring an overall improvement to the team's performance.
We also believe that the ones who will suffer the most because of this change will be the Fan-fiction writers.

Crossover games, now with more Crystal Meth:

What if you could play "Cooking Mama" but instead of food you made Crystal meth? what if the ghosts from Pac-Man were replaced with "Boos" from Super Mario? What if you could play GTA but instead of a human you were a cyborg shark infiltrating the Yakuza mafia?.

OK, the last one doesn't exist (Yet) but the other two are real games, created by our friend Juan David "Lasca" Gomez, over at FlavourMachine, so go play them and find the answers to those questions yourself.

Surprisingly, this version has less murder than the original.

Well, that's all for today, i hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next week, when we'll talk about Cyborg presidents , Shark wrestling and "Why i should stop making promises for next week", see you then.