Saturday, March 30, 2013

Unplugged Update: Holy "Did i forget to say i was taking the week off?" Week and U.C.Comic.Comeback

*Insert clever caption here*

Do i really need to say anything else? didn't someone say a long time ago that "A picture is worth 1,000 words, but not worth as much as 1,000 grams of... ´sugar´" i think it was Ozzy Osbourne. But yes, Here at Unplugged Controllers we are on vacation, so for the next few days... and the past few days (Good memory? never heard of her, does she work at Starbucks?) there wont be new articles or comics... which brings me to my next point! (ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Easiest Segue Ever.)

U.C.Comic is BACK!... in production, so coming April 2013 we'll have new episodes waiting for you here at the site!. Well, that's it for now, just a short update for all of you, I'll be leaving now, my flying yacht made of diamonds is not going to drive itself. Until next time, when we'll... talk, about... something... see you then!.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

U.C. Top 5: The Top 5 Shotguns In Video Games

 "This... is my BOOMSTICK!!" - Bruce Campbell

And with that brief introduction, from the Master of Awesomeness himself, i welcome you to "Unplugged Controllers Top 5 Shotguns In Video Games".
Dating all the way back to "HOLY SH*T THAT'S A LONG TIME AGO!" where they made their first appearance, Shotguns have earned a special place in the hearts of gamers everywhere; Loud, Powerful and Deadly at close range, the Boomstick has always been a reliable weapon, able to take down the toughest of Demons/Robots/Aliens/Terrorists/Mutants/Tom Hanks in one shot.

And today we are honoring them, by counting down the Top 5 Shotguns in Video Games, but, as usual, lets go over the rules before diving into the list:
  • Only one Shotgun per Franchise.
...huh, that was a short list. So, with that out of the way, load some shells, pump your gun (oh God... that sounded wrong) and sit back, here are our Top five: 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

An Unplugged Look At: Resident Evil

Yes, Chris Redfield just PUNCHED that boulder out of the way, welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Resident Evil series.

The R.E. games have always been a polarizing topic for me, on the one hand their co-op mode has been some of the most fun I've had in video games, but on the other hand.... they kinda suck, so today we are diving into the crazy mess they call "Plot" to see if they deserve all the mocking and ridicule (*SPOILER ALERT*: They do), this is "An Unplugged Look At" Resident Evil.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Unplugged Update: Fried processors, Manly Dota tears, Kevin Bacon and more...

Last night, as i laid in bed i started thinking about the mysteries of life, the universe and stuff, when suddenly an image popped up inside my head... SHARK PILEDRIVER!!:

No caption needed.

And that's the only introduction i need, welcome to the first Unplugged Controllers Site Update! today's topics are:
  • New episodes of U.C.Comic.
  • The Article about competitive gaming.
  • Gaming news, links of interest and stuff.
There's a lot to cover so lets get going: