Thursday, February 7, 2013

Roll 1d6 for a story - Dungeons and dragons, Mages and holes.

Recording #1402, date BA - NA - NA

The following is a recording from a Tabletop RPG session, viewer discretion is advised.
The scene: The main hall of the thieves guild, the party is trying to convince the lord of thieves to give them the heaven's eye (a magic Diamond).

DANIEL (DM; talking as the lord of thieves): "I must say i'm impressed, still, i find no reason to give away my most valuable possession"

DAVID (Archer, mildly annoyed): "look pal, this isnt about money, we need the gem to save the world, the world YOU happen to live in"

DANIEL (DM; annoying the party as the lord of thieves): "Oh, how typical of you adventurers; please, i'm no fool, the world is in no danger, and neither is my gem, in 50 years no thief has been able to breach my underground vault"

CRISTIAN (Fire Mage, gives a new meaning to friendly fire): "Wait... did you just say UNDERGROUND vault? like, UNDER the ground, THIS ground?"
Pyromancy: so many ways to ruin the DM's plans, so little time.

DANIEL (DM; talking as the lord of thieves): "...well Yes, that usually is the meaning of the word, but dont get any bright ideas, not even a cannon blast could breach the vault

CRISTIAN (Fire Mage, has bright ideas dangerously often): "huh... very well (Turns around) i guess we will be leaving now and never bother you again... AHA! (Turns around again) I CAST A PILLAR OF BLACK CONSUMING FLAMES AIMED AT THE FLOOR BENEATH MY FEET!"

DANIEL (DM; usually enjoys Cristian's "bright" ideas): "...ok, as the ground disappears consumed by the flames, you suddenly feel your body being pulled by a mystical and mysterious force known as gravity, you fall into the 10 meter deep hole you just created and as your body hits the ground you recieve... (starts rolling dice for damage)"

CRISTIAN (Fire Mage, likes long walks on the beach): "WAIT! I CONCENTRATE AND CAST A FIREBALL AT THE FLOOR! The force of the blast should reduce my falling speed!"

DANIEL (DM; loves his job): "...we are gonna need more dice for this"  

End of scene.