Sunday, June 9, 2013

Video Game Design: Run or Shoot?

Whatever you choose, remember to scream!
When designing a Game one of the most common priorities is making sure everything, from visuals to Gameplay mechanics, is as smooth and polished as possible, this is done to make sure they are not an obstacle to the player and his/her Gaming experience.
At first it seems like a logical thought, if the player has to struggle with things like the HUD (Heads up display), the Inventory system or character movement, then he will spend less time playing and more time fighting against those elements, but the problem is that most people tend to quickly discard things that feel "Wrong" or "Clunky" without considering all aspects to that element.
As we've discussed previously in other articles (Here, and Here), all elements inside the Game have a direct impact on that Game's universe, it's feel, flow and identity, and as such all aspects and qualities of that element, be them "Good" or "Bad", have an impact too, case in point: "Run or Shoot?"

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Unplugged Update: May Recap

Yes! We are back! after a sufficient amount of rest, relaxation and battling giant cyborg-spiders, we are back home, and just in time to say goodbye to the month that passed, welcome, ladies and gentleman, to the Unplugged Controllers May 2013 Recap.

Happy "Pose as a team, 'cause sh*t just got real!" Month from everyone at U.C.!

May 2013: "Pose as a team, 'cause sh*t just got real!" Month:
  • U.C.Comic - 006 Left 4 Chicken:On this episode, the guys fight off the hordes of the undead while teaching us a valuable lesson on loyalty, also, chickens.
And that's it for the month of May 2013, see you next time, when we'll talk about the month of June (Seriously, what did you expect?), see you then, and remember: